Thanks to Volker Maass

When Florian Lude started work, a one-year interim solution came to an end, in which the former HEROSE Sales Director, Volker Maass again ran the business. Dirk Zschalich, the company's Managing Director, said on the occasion of the change of staff: "I would like to expressly thank Volker Maass, who, in addition to his day-to-day business as Area Sales Manager, has also taken on the tasks of the Sales Director. I know that has imposed on him an immense burden. Fortunately, during this time he was able to rely on the cooperation of all his colleagues from the internal sales and field service. 

"Volker Maass is now concentrating wholly on his role as Area Sales Manager for North Rhine-Westphalia, Benelux, Italy and South America. Maass: "I will also try to expand the market for HEROSE INDUSTRY products in North America."