Tag: Food production

Grain brandy

Good old Korn is hip at last

Now the wave of Craft beers and gin has subsided more and more fashionable bars are discovering grain spirits

/ 27. March 2018

Alternative soft drinks from the Rhön area with carbon dioxide

Bionade relies on nature - and does not use chemicals, colourings or preservatives. 300 tons of carbon dioxide are needed in Ostheim every year, from a tank with HEROSE valves

/ 6. November 2014

Spirits from Lake Constance – with Holstein distillation plants

Holstein is the world market leader in the construction of distillation plants - and a loyal HEROSE customer

/ 6. November 2014

FRoSTA: “HEROSE was a quantum leap for us”

After years of problems, FRoSTA AG decided on HEROSE globe valves – and is very satisfied with them

/ 21. November 2013